The Tyranny of Convenience

A broad and intellectual article about how convenience and the “easy is better-easiest is best” industrial age mantra seems to make our decisions for us. It’s easier to eat processed, packaged foods which are more palatable than food itself. Restaurants create amazingly flavorful delights which can be had for very little effort in exchange for your money. “We are spoiled by immediacy and become annoyed by tasks that remain at the old level of effort and time.” We are able to do so many more things than we used to do, but should we? Difficulty and effort are important features of the human experience. “Convenience is all destination and no journey.” Consider consciously simplifying, slowing down and taking the time to create your own meals more of the time. Being in the moment and doing things which require care and attention broadens your experience and helps you enjoy your own personal journey. – Dr. K

The Tyranny of Convenience – Tim Wu – NY Times – Feb 16, 2018